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We didn't want it to feel like every other antique shop.  We wanted a shop that was warm, friendly and inviting. We designed the shop to resemble a living room set with fully restored  furniture ready to go straight into your home. 


We are finding that more and more people want to invest their money in antiques and collectibles.

So we try and stock antique furniture, silver and small items that are functional whilst being individual or unusual.

We are part of a family run business which has been operating since 1929, under Sidney G Dyson as a furniture shop.

In 1952 it was changed to a clock shop by his son in law Emil Skiba who upon his retirement past the business to his daughter Jo Elwood. Who now runs it with Garry Martin and her daughter Vicky Elwood. 


In 2010 Greenman Antiques was opened on the opposite side of the road from Oundle Clock Shop.

Specializing in mahogany, walnut and oak furniture, Silver, Jewellary and decorative glassware.

Period antiques that compliment, modern interiors.
Fitting style with technology that everyone can appreciate

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We aim to have a shop full of ideas and inspiration to make shopping for that person who has everything a little easier.
  Jo's daughter Vicky is always happy to lend a hand and help find, 

 A gift that can be cherished for a lifetime.

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Greenman Antiques and Restoration Ltd, 74 West Street, Oundle, PE8 4EF

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